Mon, 12 Jul 2010
Neurotronics has released build 5311 of maXimus.
For a list of fixes, click here...
Download the new version here...

Tue, 30 Jun 2009
The OpenXDF Consortium has released an update to the OpenXDF specification. This release contains new requirements to address issues found since the release of OpenXDF 1.1.

Thu, 7 May 2009
maXimus is spreading around the world and just reached 1,000 downloads today!
If you are not already using maXimus, download it here, and spread the word!

Tue, 24 Feb 2009
OpenXDF.org now has a RSS feed! Keep up to date by pointing your browser or RSS reader to:

What is OpenXDF?
OpenXDF is an evolutionary step in the way researchers and clinicians share studies, scoring data, and demographics. OpenXDF fulfills the promise of a standard, open format that exceeds today's needs and can easily grow to exceed the needs of tomorrow.
OpenXDF is open. The OpenXDF Consortium offers OpenXDF completely free of charge and the greatly encourages public participation in the continued evolution of the format. OpenXDF uses publically available technologies to ensure that it will always be free and will always be secure.
OpenXDF is longevity. OpenXDF is 100% forward- and backward-compatible with itself, and, as an open standard, OpenXDF will never just disappear. Together, these qualities mean your studies will always be accessible regardless of market changes or advances in the standard.
OpenXDF is more than just data. OpenXDF stores everything, not just signal data. Patient demographics? Sure. Annotations? Done. Montages? Of course. Scoring data? You bet. Not enough for you? OpenXDF can easily store any custom information your lab or research group requires without sacrificing any compatibility.
OpenXDF is multilingual. OpenXDF allows the use of Unicode to store text in any language.
OpenXDF is seamless. OpenXDF is 100% compatible with EDF/+ studies providing a seamless, non-destructive upgrade path for existing studies.
Technical Details
XML. OpenXDF uses XML as its foundation to provide a flexible and virtually future-proof method for sharing studies.
Unicode. The XML standard itself requires compliant parsers to handle UTF-8 and UTF-16 for multilingual files.
ISO 8601 is a uniform, robust time format that handles high-precision time, time zones, and is fully Y2K-compliant.
Any sampling frequency; any sample size. OpenXDF provides the ability to independently configure the sampling frequency and sample size of each signal. Sample sizes are limited only by the architecture of the system reading the file.
Secure. OpenXDF provides standardized, password-based security using TwoFish, a 256-bit encryption protocol, in conjunction with SHA-256 for key hashing and SHA-512 for integrity verification.